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Artist Statement

My sculptures have developed into an intuitive exploration of rebirth, by

deconstructing and reconstituting old discarded antique furniture into new lively forms.  My exploration of the elements and principles of art guide my intuition as I create what I feel each individual piece wants me to focus on.


Each time I begin a new sculpture I feel an attachment to the media, and try to develop a sense of what made this piece important to it’s previous owner.  This is what focuses my artistic indulgence within these works.  I provide compositions that lend the beauty in the simplicity, that is often overlooked within these antique furnishings.  I provide my viewers with bold compositions fostering the natural patina within my subject matter.

While I feel attached to each piece I create, I leave my work open to the interpretation of my audience, as I know that each piece evokes its own personal message to the viewer.

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